Ar an drochuair, ní féidir na meáin mhíreanna a chuirtear ar fáil do Europeana a thaispeáint faoi láthair. Déan iarracht na meáin a íoslódáil nó féachaint ar an mír ar shuíomh Gréasáin na hinstitiúide soláthair.
Composite manuscript, seven parts (Latin and French): 1. (ff. 1-10) Ilias Latina / Baebius Italicus. – 2. (ff. 11-94) Epistulae / Ivo of Chartres. – And other part(s)
Ars amatoria / Ovid.
Ilias latina
De Sacerdotio monachorum
Artis amandi
Art des amour
Noctes Atticae
Part 1: handwritten, littera prae-gothica
- …
- Arastotail
- Publius Baebius Italicus
- Bóétias
- Aulus Gellius
- Hóiméar
- Jacques d'Amiens
- Ivo of Chartres
- Óivid
- Persius
- Piondar
- classical literature/philosophy (MMDC)
- law and regulations (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture
Cineál míre
- manuscripts (documents)
- Lámhscríbhinn
- Part 1: Parchment
- Part 2: Parchment
- Part 3: Parchment
- Part 4: Parchment
- Part 5: Parchment
- Part 6: Parchment
- Part 7: Parchment
- parchment (animal material)
- Pár
- …
- Arastotail
- Publius Baebius Italicus
- Bóétias
- Aulus Gellius
- Hóiméar
- Jacques d'Amiens
- Ivo of Chartres
- Óivid
- Persius
- Piondar
- classical literature/philosophy (MMDC)
- law and regulations (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture
Cineál míre
- manuscripts (documents)
- Lámhscríbhinn
- Part 1: Parchment
- Part 2: Parchment
- Part 3: Parchment
- Part 4: Parchment
- Part 5: Parchment
- Part 6: Parchment
- Part 7: Parchment
- parchment (animal material)
- Pár
Institiúidí soláthartha
Soláthraí idirmheánach
Ráiteas um Chearta Ceadúnas do na meáin sa mhír seo (mura sonraítear a mhalairt)
Dáta cruthaithe
- parts 1, 2, 4, 6, 7: France?
- part 3: France?, England?
- part 5: France?
- France
- United Kingdom
- An Fhrainc
- An Ríocht Aontaithe
Suíomh reatha
- Leiden University Library
- Transferred from the University Library of Utrecht to Leiden in 1908.
- A note on f. 120v names one "Guillelmus philosophus", who turned 39 in 1179. Gumbert (2009) remarks that this was possibly the owner of the ms.
- Philosophus, Guillelmus
- Shelfmark: BPL 1925
- 1 volume, 175 leaves
- part 1: ff. 1-10
- part 2: ff. 11-52 and 93-96
- part 3: ff. 53-92
- part 4: ff. 97-104
- part 5: ff. 105-110
- part 6: ff. 111-120
- part 7: ff. 121-175
- part 1: 135x92 mm
- part 2: 140x94 mm
- …
- books
- Leabhar
- lat
- Latin
- fre
- French
- fra
- lat
Is cuid de
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Bibliotheca Publica Latina
Tagraítear dó
- Catalogus compendiarius 1932 = [H.P. Blok,] Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur. Vol. 1 (Leiden 1932), p. 154
- Talsma 1925 = Deeuwes Talsma, Jacques d'Amiens. L'art d'amours van Jakes d'Amiens (XIIIe eeuw), critische textuitgave. Leiden 1925.
- De Groot & 1989 = A.J. De Groot & E.C.C. Coppens, Manuscripta canonistica Latina. Elenchus codicum necnon diplomatum iuris canonici ante a. 1600 in bibliothecis ac archivis neerlandicis. Nijmegen 1989, nr.800
- Guardì 1974 = T. Guardì (ed.), Cecilio Stazio. I frammenti. Palermo 1974, p. 34 (SKL)
- Gumbert 1982 = J.P. Gumbert, 'Manuscrits français mediévaux à Leyde. Liste provisoire des manuscrits médiévaux en langue français à la Bibliothèque universitaire de Leyde. In: Q.I.M. Mok & al. (eds.), Mélanges de linguistique, de littérature et de philologie médiévales, offerts à J.R. Smeets. Leiden 1982, p. 145-156 (ad: f. 105-110)
- Gumbert 1994 = J.P. Gumbert, 'Medieval Manuscripts in French in the Leiden University Library: A Handlist'. In: P.R. Monks & D.D.R. Owen (eds.), Medieval Codicology, Iconography, Literature, and Translation. Studies for Keith Val Sinclair. Leiden [etc.] 1994, p. 28-47, i.c. p. 31
- Gumbert 2009 = J.P. Gumbert, Illustrated Inventory of Medieval Manuscripts. Vol. 2. Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek BPL (Hilversum 2009), nr. 1510-1516
- Jonas = Répertoire des textes et des manuscrits médiévaux d'oc et d'oïl
- Kwakkel 2015 = E. Kwakkel, 'Classics on scraps. Classical manuscripts made from parchment waste. In: E. Kwakkel (ed.), Manuscripts of the Latin Classics 800-1200. Leiden 2015, p. 106-129, i.c. p. 121, 204 (ill.)
- Kwakkel 2018 = E. Kwakkel, Books before print. Leeds 2018, p. 8, 9 (ill. parchment offcut ), 183
- …
Tír sholáthair
- Netherlands
Ainm bailiúcháin
Ar fáil den chéad uair ar Europeana
- 2022-02-02T16:01:23.761Z
An uair dheireanach a nuashonraíodh ón institiúid sholáthartha
- 2024-02-29T09:55:44.806Z
Clár ábhair
- Part 1 contains: (ff. 1r-10v) Ilias Latina / Baebius Italicus. Incomplete.
- Part 2 contains: (ff. 11r-52v, 93r-94v) Epistulae / Ivo of Chartres. Incomplete. – (ff. 94v-96v) De Sacerdotio Monachorum. Excerpt.
- Part 3 contains: (ff. 53r-92v) Epistulae / Ivo of Chartres.
- Part 4 contains: (ff. 97r-104r) Satyrae / Persius. Incomplete. – Also contains excerpts from papal bulls and decretals.
- Part 5 contains: (ff. 105r-109r) l'Art des amours / Ovid, translated by Jakes d'Amiens. Incomplete. – (ff. 109v-110v) Two short texts: a love poem and a sailing instruction from England to Gironde (France).
- Part 6 contains: (ff. 111r-117r) Noctes Atticae / Aulus Gellius. Excerpts. – (ff. 117v-120v) Excerpts on astronomy and chronology.
- Part 7 contains: (ff. 121r-128v) Isagoge in Categorias Aristotelis / Porphyrius. – (ff. 128v-138v) De interpretatione / Aristotle. – (ff. 139r-153r) Categoriae / Aristotle. – (ff. 153r-175r) De differentiis topicis / Boethius. – (f. 175r-v) Beginning of Boethius's De divisione. Fragment.
Faigh amach bailiúcháin ghaolmhara
Faigh amach míreanna gaolmhara
Leiden University Libraries
Gosbertus, of Laon; Mico Centulensis, (9e E)
Leiden University Libraries
John, of Constance, (-782)
Leiden University Libraries
Bellarmie, Leonardus, (-1401); Godefridus de Thenis, (13e E); Guilelmus de Vottem, (-1403)
Leiden University Libraries