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Eastman Kodak, Kodak núm.1
Brown leather-lined device for sensitive paper roll. On the front, target 1.5 cm in diameter. At the top, metal key to circulate the paper roll and shutter trigger. Second opening for paper rewinding. On the side, a button that allows you to remove the cover that protects the objective and the shutter. Launched on the market in 1888, it is the first photographic camera that used a roll of celluloi…
- cinematography
- appareil photographique (caméra)
- Cinéma
Type d'item
- Photographic camera
Institution partenaire
Licence du support dans cet enregistrement (sauf indication contraire)
Date de création
- 1888
- 1888
- 12 cm (width) 9 cm (length) 17,2 cm (height)
Fait partie de
- EUreka3D
- 1888
Pays fournisseur
- Spain
Nom de la collection
Première publication sur Europeana
- 2024-11-22T08:14:25.906Z
Dernière mise à jour de l'Institution partenaire
- 2024-11-22T08:14:25.906Z