Féiniúlacht Eorpach

Cuir eolas ar inneachar coimeádta faoi aitheantas Eorpach, ár gcuid cultúir is staire i bpáirt, ach freisin faoinár gcuid ceiliúrtha agus traidisiún éagsúla

Áiseanna oideachais


Parlaimint na hEorpa, titim Bhalla Bheirlín agus athaontú na Gearmáine


On 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman made a declaration which began the process of building the European Community


Explore Europe's remarkable variety of customs and traditions in this special exhibition


Take a photographic journey through 1950s Europe between east and west, and liberty and repression


Singers and musicians from the 65 years of the Eurovision Song Contest


Explore the magic of carnival through photographs, paintings and artefacts from across Europe.


Discover wedding traditions across Europe through cultural heritage.


How cartographers and others have defined Europe, its lands and borders through maps


Migration and making a new life in Europe

Áiseanna oideachais

Celebrations in Europe Scavenger Hunt

A learning activity to implement remotly with your students English, Language subjects - Upper secondary

History, Philosophy - Lower secondary

Adventurous Journey Through Europe and Culture

English - Secondary

English, History, Language - Lower secondary, Music

History - Lower secondary, Upper secondary - Portuguese