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Archiving Lace, Crafting History. Part I
We all know the depot of MoMu houses many fashionable gems - and we were fortunate enough to discover with Frieda Sorber, curator and expert on the history of lace. Through a selection of highlights from the museum’s collection, Frieda takes us through a chronological journey that allows us to marvel at the minutiae of lace, and learn about European history through one of its most precious and pri…
- Giorgio Bosisio
- Anna Carniel
- Marta Franceschini
- Momu - Fashion Museum Antwerp
- Dieter Suls
- European Fashion Heritage Association
- Giorgio Bosisio
- Anna Carniel
- Marta Franceschini
- Momu - Fashion Museum Antwerp
- Dieter Suls
- European Fashion Heritage Association
Rettigheder for medierne i denne optagelse (medmindre andet er angivet)
- 2022
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- Italy
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Første gang offentliggjort på Europeana
- 2023-04-26T12:56:38.667Z
Sidste gang opdateret fra den ejerinstiution
- 2023-04-26T12:56:38.667Z
Oplev relaterede samlinger
Oplev relaterede genstande
European Fashion Heritage Association
European Fashion Heritage Association
European Fashion Heritage Association