Composite manuscript, four parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-36) Phaedo / Plato, and other text(s). – 2. (ff. 37-124) Timaeus / Plato. – And other part(s)
Commentarius in Timaeum
De caelo
De Coelo
De generatione et corruptione
Part 1: decorated initials
Tuto položku poskytuje a spravuje Leiden University Libraries
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(otevře se v novém okně)
- Henry Aristippus
- Aristotelés
- Calcidius
- Platón
- Proklos
- Aristotelés
- Platón
- Calcidius
- Proklos
- classical literature/philosophy (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- čtenářská kultura
- Čtenářská kultura
Typ položka
- manuscripts (documents)
- Rukopis
- Part 1: Parchment
- Part 2: Parchment
- Part 3: Parchment
- Part 4: Parchment
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergamen
- Henry Aristippus
- Aristotelés
- Calcidius
- Platón
- Proklos
- Aristotelés
- Platón
- Calcidius
- Proklos
- classical literature/philosophy (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- čtenářská kultura
- Čtenářská kultura
Typ položka
- manuscripts (documents)
- Rukopis
- Part 1: Parchment
- Part 2: Parchment
- Part 3: Parchment
- Part 4: Parchment
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergamen
Poskytovatelská instituce
Zprostředkovatel třetí strany
Výrok o právech tohoto položka (není-li uvedeno jinak)
Datum vzniku
- Part 1: [last quarter 13th century]
- Part 2: [12th century]
- Part 3: [ca. 1300]
- Part 4: [last quarter 13th century]
- 1100-1310
- 12. století
- 13. století
- 14. století
- 1100/1310
- 13. století
- 14. století
- 12. století
- Part 1: Southern Netherlands
- Part 2: Southern Netherlands
- Part 3: France
- Part 4: France
- Belgium
- France
- Belgie
- Organizace spojených národů
- Francie
Aktuální umístění
- Leiden University Library
- Bought from the library of F. Nansius.
- Nansius, Franciscus, (1525-1595)
- Shelfmark: BPL 64
- 1 volume, 187 leaves
- Part 1: ff. 1-36
- Part 2: ff. 37-124
- Part 3: ff. 125-138
- Part 4: ff. 139-187
- Part 1: 289x203 mm
- Part 2: 290x202 mm
- Part 3: 290x202 mm
- Part 4: 278x203 mm
- books
- Kniha
- lat
- Latin
- lat
je součástí
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Bibliotheca Publica Latina
je zmiňován/a
- Catalogus compendiarius 1932 = [H.P. Blok,] Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur. Vol. 1 (Leiden 1932), p. 102
- Dutton 1983 = P.E. Dutton, '"Illustre ciuitatis et populi exemplum". Plato's Timaeus and the transmission from Calcidus to the end of the twelfth century of a tripartite schema of society'. In: Medieval studies 45 (1983), p. 79-119, i.c. p. 97 (ad: f. 37v glos)
- Dutton 1997 = P.E. Dutton, 'Material remains of the study of the Timaeus in the Later Middle Age'. In: C. Lafleur & J. Carrier (eds.), L'enseignement de la philosophie au XIIIe siècle autour du "Guide de l'étudiant" du ms. Ripoll 109 : actes du colloque international. Turnhout 1997, p. 203-230. [See also: Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Age Tardif 9 (1999), nr. 3709]
- Eastwood & 2004 = B.S. Eastwood & G. Grasshof, Planetary diagrams for Roman astronomy in Medieval Europe, ca. 800-1500. Philadelphia 2004, p. 34 (n.)
- Eastwood 1993 = B.S. Eastwood, 'Plato and circumsolar planetary motion in the middle ages'. In: Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen age 60 (1993), p. 7-26.
- Eastwood 2002 = B.S. Eastwood, 'Invention and reform in Latin planetary astronomy'. In: M.W. Herren & al. (eds.), Latin culture in the eleventh century. Vol. 1 (Turnhout 2002), p. 264-297.
- Gumbert 2009 = J.P. Gumbert, Illustrated Inventory of Medieval Manuscripts. Vol. 2. Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek BPL (Hilversum 2009), nr. 1126-1129
- Hulshoff Pol 1975 = E. Hulshoff Pol, 'The Library'. In: Th.H. Lunsingh Scheurleer & G.H.M. Posthumus Meyes (eds.), Leiden University in the seventeenth century. An exchange of learning. Leiden 1975, p. 395-459, i.c. p. 417
- Hulshoff Pol 1976 = E. Hulshoff Pol, 'Franciscus Nansius und seine Handschriften'. In: J.P. Gumbert & al. (eds.), Essays presented to G.I. Lieftinck. Vol. 4. (Amsterdam 1976), p. 79-102, i.c. p. 98
- Kwakkel 2018 = E. Kwakkel, Books before print. Leeds 2018, p. 48-50, 49 (ill. margin )
- …
se setkal/a s
- Franciscus Nansius
Země původu
- Netherlands
Název kolekce
Poprvé zveřejněno na Europeana
- 2022-02-02T16:01:23.761Z
Poslední aktualizace od poskytující instituce
- 2024-02-29T09:55:44.806Z
- Part 1 contains: (ff. 1r-24v) Phaedo / Plato. – (ff. 25r-36r) Meno / Plato.
- Part 2 contains: (ff. 37r-124v) Timaeus / Plato.
- Part 3 contains: (ff. 125r-137r) Commentary on Plato's Timaeus / Calcidius. Glossed – (ff. 137v-138r) Commentary on Plato's Timaeus / Proclus. Fragment.
- Part 4 contains: (ff. 139r-164r) De caelo / Aristotle. – (ff. 164v-187r) De generatione et corruptione / Aristotle.