Aeneid / Virgil, and other text(s)
Argumenta metrica
decorated initials
- Vergil
- Publij Ovidij Naso
- Publij Ovidij Naso
- Vergilij
- classical literature/philosophy (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- bralna kultura
- Reading culture (urban)
- Bralna kultura
Vrsta enota
- manuscripts (documents)
- illuminated manuscripts
- Rokopis
- Iluminirani rokopis
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergament
- Vergil
- Publij Ovidij Naso
- Publij Ovidij Naso
- Vergilij
- classical literature/philosophy (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- bralna kultura
- Reading culture (urban)
- Bralna kultura
Vrsta enota
- manuscripts (documents)
- illuminated manuscripts
- Rokopis
- Iluminirani rokopis
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergament
Ponudnik podatkov
Vmesni ponudnik
Licenca za medije v tem enota (če ni navedeno drugače)
Datum ustvarjanja
- [third quarter 15th century]
- 1450-1475
- 15. stoletje
- 1450/1475
- 15. stoletje
Trenutna lokacija
- Leiden University Library
- Bought at the auction at J. Swart & P. de Hondt, The Hague, of the Samuel van Huls collection (Bibliotheca Hulsiana, vol. 1, p. 323, nr. 4983) in 1730.
- Owned by Janus Parrhasius (Milan, ca. 1505), according to a note on the cover, and bequeathed by him to Antonius Seripandus (see f. 207v).
- Huls, Samuel van, (1655-1734)
- Parrhasius, Janus
- Seripandus, Antonius
- Shelfmark: BPL 73 A
- 1 volume, 209 leaves
- 257x182 mm
- books
- Knjiga
- lat
- Latin
- lat
Je del
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Bibliotheca Publica Latina
Nanj se sklicuje
- Catalogus compendiarius 1932 = [H.P. Blok,] Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur. Vol. 1 (Leiden 1932), p. 103
- Geel 1852 = J. Geel, Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum qui inde ab anno 1741 bibliothecae Lugduno Batavae accesserunt. Leiden 1852, nr. 349
- Gumbert 2009 = J.P. Gumbert, Illustrated Inventory of Medieval Manuscripts. Vol. 2. Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek BPL (Hilversum 2009), nr. 1152
- MMDC = Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
- Molhuysen 1912 = P.C. Molhuysen, Codices Bibliothecae Publicae Latini. Leiden 1912, p. 40
Je srečal
- Samuel van Huls
Država izvora
- Netherlands
Ime zbirke
Prvič objavljeno na Europeana
- 2022-02-02T16:01:23.761Z
Zadnjič posodobljeno s strani ponudnika podatkov
- 2024-02-29T09:55:44.806Z
Kazalo vsebine
- Contains: (ff. 1r-14r) Bucolica / Virgil. – (f. 14v) Argumenta metrica / Ovid. – (ff. 14v-49r) Georgica / Virgil. – (ff. 49r-v) Argumenta metrica / Ovid. – (ff. 49r-207v) Aeneid / Virgil.