(Ed.ne Alinari) P.e I.a N.o 13047. Venezia - Isola di Torcello. Interno del Duomo, una formella del parapetto del Coro. (V secolo). Riprodotto in Cattaneo p. 285 fig. 165 come dell'anno 1008
Venice, Torcello Island, cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta: detail of a relief slab of the chancel screen. The decoration features two facing lions, sitting at the foot of a tree, whose symmetrical branches and tendrils are populated by birds and hares.
- http://iconclass.org/25F23(LION)
- foliage, tendrils, branches ~ ornament
- Byzantine art
- Arheologija
- Byzantine (culture and style)
- Arheologija
- Bizantinska umetnost
Vrsta enota
- slabs (flat objects)
- marble (rock)
- Marmor
- http://iconclass.org/25F23(LION)
- foliage, tendrils, branches ~ ornament
- Byzantine art
- Arheologija
- Byzantine (culture and style)
- Arheologija
- Bizantinska umetnost
Vrsta enota
- slabs (flat objects)
- marble (rock)
- Marmor
Ponudnik podatkov
Vmesni ponudnik
Licenca za medije v tem enota (če ni navedeno drugače)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Datum ustvarjanja
- 12th-13th c. AD
Trenutna lokacija
- Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta
- #2072
Država izvora
- Europe
Ime zbirke
Prvič objavljeno na Europeana
- 2019-09-26T15:28:23.189Z
Zadnjič posodobljeno s strani ponudnika podatkov
- 2019-11-22T21:51:38.574Z