Mapy Európy
Po stáročia kartografi a iní definovali Európu, jej krajiny a hranice prostredníctvom máp.
Počet objekty: 46
Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries
Berlin State Library
Desjardins, Constant. Author of the text
National Library of France
Horniman Museum and Gardens
Gachet, Alain-Marie; Imprimerie F. Hermet (Paris)
National Library of Spain
National Library of Spain
National Library of France
Institute of Global Physics (Paris). Scientific editor
National Library of France
National Library of France
Maunoir, Charles (1830-1901). Author of the text
National Library of France
Desjardins, Constant. Author of the text
National Library of France
Bauerkeller, Georg Michael (1805-1886). Author of the text
National Library of France
Desjardins, Constant. Author of the text
National Library of France
Manier, J. (18..-18..). Cartographe
National Library of France
University of Bologna
Outhier, Réginald. Author of the text
National Library of France
National Library of Spain
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
Belloguet, A.. Auteur du texte
National Library of France
Bredsdorff, Jacob Hornemann (1790-1841?). Author of the text; Ólsens,, lafs Nikolas (18. -18.). Author of the text
National Library of France
Barbier, Joseph-Victor (1840-1898). Author of the text
National Library of France
Privat, Casimir (18. -18.?). Author of the text
National Library of France
Gömör Museum
Dardano, Achille
National Library of Rome - Italy
Amschewitz, John Henry; Nölting, W.
Austrian National Library
Austrian National Library
Toy Museum of the City of Nuremberg
Bradshaw, George
National Library of Spain
National Library of Spain
Levasseur, Émile (1828-1911). Author of the text; Periogot, Charles (1828-1885). Author of the text
National Library of France