Short-sleeved green velvet blouse with sewn-on floral band along V-neckline and green lacing underneath. With this blouse a non matching skirt was worn. Such a skirt is not in the collection.
Tipo de item
- Object Type: women's costume
- Object Type: blouse
- traje feminino
- blusa
- Blusa
- Women's clothing
- 1905/1915
- Material: materials for decoration, application and technical finishing
- Material: materials for decoration, application and technical finishing
- Material: string (thin rope)
- Material: embroidery yarn
- Material: silk
- Material: velour (fabric)
- Material: materials for decoration, application and technical finishing
- barbante
- embroidery thread
- seda
- velour (fabric)
- material for decoration, application and finishing
- Fibra da seda
- Embroidery thread
- Velour
- String
Tipo de item
- Object Type: women's costume
- Object Type: blouse
- traje feminino
- blusa
- Blusa
- Women's clothing
- 1905/1915
- Material: materials for decoration, application and technical finishing
- Material: materials for decoration, application and technical finishing
- Material: string (thin rope)
- Material: embroidery yarn
- Material: silk
- Material: velour (fabric)
- Material: materials for decoration, application and technical finishing
- barbante
- embroidery thread
- seda
- velour (fabric)
- material for decoration, application and finishing
- Fibra da seda
- Embroidery thread
- Velour
- String
Instituição fornecedora
Declaração de direitos para os média neste item (a menos que especificado de outra forma)
Data de criação
- 1905/1915
- aankoop
- 1977
- KA 16228
- 16228
É parte de
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Está relacionado com
- verde
- âmbar cinza
- velvet
País fornecedor
- Netherlands
Nome da coleção
Publicado pela primeira vez na Europeana
- 2020-03-31T16:16:09.268Z
Última atualização da instituição fornecedora
- 2021-10-20T13:51:01.552Z