Persecution sanctioned by the Westminster Confession : a letter, addressed to the clergy, eldership, and laity, of the Synod of Ulster, shewing, from the history and proceedings of the Westminster divines, and the public records of the Church of Scotland, the doctrines of intolerance to which the late vote of unqualified subscription has committed the general Synod of Ulster : with an humble dedication to the Rev. Dr. Cooke
Handwritten signature and date on t.p. in black ink. -- Published by John Tate, 13, High-Street; Samuel Archer, Castle-Place; George Philips, 1, Commercial Buildings; and John Magill, Ann-Street, MDCCCXXXVI [1836]. -- Quote from 'Dr. Cook's History of the Church of Scotland' on t.p. -- On verso of t.p. 'Wilson, Printer, 70, High-Street, Belfast. -- Includes bibliographical references. -- Dedicatio…
- Church of Scotland. Synod of Ulster
- Member of the Synod of Ulster
- Church of Scotland. Synod of Ulster
- Member of the Synod of Ulster
- Church of Scotland -- Creeds
- General Synod of Ulster
- Church of Scotland
- Presbyterian Church
- Westminster Confession of Faith.
Rodzaj obiekt cyfrowy
- Text
- 1836
- Church of Scotland. Synod of Ulster
- Member of the Synod of Ulster
- Church of Scotland. Synod of Ulster
- Member of the Synod of Ulster
- Church of Scotland -- Creeds
- General Synod of Ulster
- Church of Scotland
- Presbyterian Church
- Westminster Confession of Faith.
Rodzaj obiekt cyfrowy
- Text
- 1836
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Oświadczenie prawne na media w tym rekordzie (chyba że określono inaczej)
Prawa autorskie
- Copyright in this scan is held by the Oireachtas Service
Miejsce i czas
- name=Belfast; north=54.5964411; west=-5.9302761
- Belfast
- Belfast
- Wielka Brytania
- #8049vt45j
- text
- eng
- eng
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- EnrichEuropeana
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- Ireland
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