Letter by the Head of the Autonomous Army in Korytsa-Kolonia, G. Tsontos-Vardas, to all his subordinates in relation to his decision to establish a martial court with G. Kondylis as a Chairman, P. Georgakopoulos, first lieutenant, and Evang. Jeffries , second lieutenant, as members and Ioan. Zacharakis, second lieutenant, as general administrative commissioner.
- Vardas Tsontos Georgios, Major
- Autonomous State of Northern Epirus
- Army
- the Epirus Issue
- National-revolutionary movements
- Self government
- Kondylis Georgios
- International tensions
- Epirus
- Armed forces
- Revolutionary movements
- War
- Liberation movements
- Ethnic questions
- Tsontos Georgios
- Vardas Tsontos Georgios, Major
- Autonomous State of Northern Epirus
- Army
- the Epirus Issue
- National-revolutionary movements
- Self government
- Kondylis Georgios
- International tensions
- Epirus
- Armed forces
- Revolutionary movements
- War
- Liberation movements
- Ethnic questions
- Tsontos Georgios
Dostawca danych
Oświadczenie prawne na media w tym rekordzie (chyba że określono inaczej)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Data utworzenia
- 1914 July 6
- World War I and Asia Minor Campaign
Miejsce i czas
- 1914 July 6
- 055
- https://www.searchculture.gr/aggregator/edm/venizelosdig/000132-70363
- gre
- ell
Kraj dostarczający
- Greece
Nazwa Kolekcji
Po raz pierwszy opublikowano w Europeana
- 2020-09-08T08:19:15.089Z
Ostatnia aktualizacja od dostawcy danych
- 2024-07-22T08:22:59.188Z