Women and girls on war work at E. Green & Sons, Calder Vale Road. The woman in the centre with a large hat must have been a supervisor, all the others were on the production line. Munitions work was hazardous, but it provided higher wages and more indipendance than domestic service or mill work.
- Wars and disputes
- Civilian Life in war
- Industry
Tip ta' oġġett
- photograph
- Fotografija
- Wars and disputes
- Civilian Life in war
- Industry
Tip ta' oġġett
- photograph
- Fotografija
Istituzzjoni fornitriċi
Dikjarazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-midja f'dan ir-rekord (sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Wakefield Council
Data tal-ħolqien
- 1914/1918
- 1914/1918
- Wakefield
- WAKGM : 1993.1067
Pajjiż fornitur
- United Kingdom
Isem il-kollezzjoni
L-ewwel darba ppubblikata fuq Europeana
- 2015-11-18T12:23:17.972Z
L-aħħar aġġornament mill-istituzzjoni fornitriċi
- 2016-07-12T18:21:05.486Z