Messter Week 1915. No. 15.
Messter Week 1915. No. 15
1. Berlin: Patriotic celebration of Bismarck’s 100th birthday on Königsplatz on April 1st 1915.
2. Imperial Chancellor, Prince Otto von Bismarck. Deputising for the Emperor, the oldest son of the Crown Prince, Prince Wilhelm von Preußen, took part in the celebration.
3. [To the iron Chancellor in an “iron time”.]
4. Athens: Street demonstrations following news of the allied occupati…
- Messter Film Berlin
- Otto von Bismarck
- German Army
- Austro-Hungarian Army
- 100th birthday celebrations of Bismarck
- street riots
- Snowshow troops advancing towards the Western front line
- German artillery reinforcements at the Western front line
- German troops at the Eastern front line
- Austro-Hungarian army positioning a mortar
- Berlin
- …
- Germany
- Armed Forces--Mobilization
- Military ceremonies, honors, and salutes
- Social conflict
- Ateni
- Greċja
- L-Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija
- Ġermanja
- Messter Film Berlin
- Otto von Bismarck
- German Army
- Austro-Hungarian Army
- 100th birthday celebrations of Bismarck
- street riots
- Snowshow troops advancing towards the Western front line
- German artillery reinforcements at the Western front line
- German troops at the Eastern front line
- Austro-Hungarian army positioning a mortar
- Berlin
- …
- Germany
- Armed Forces--Mobilization
- Military ceremonies, honors, and salutes
- Social conflict
- Ateni
- Greċja
- L-Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija
- Ġermanja
Istituzzjoni fornitriċi
Dikjarazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-midja f'dan ir-rekord (sakemm mhux speċifikat mod ieħor)
Data tal-ħolqien
- 1915
- 1915
- Berlin
- Athens
- Western front
- Eastern front
- il-Ġermanja
- Dardanelles
- Franza
- Platz der Republik
- Awstrija
- Imperu Ġermaniż
- Greċja
- Berlin
- Ateni
- Ateni
- 1037479000000076005
- 1037479000000076005
- de
- deu
Huwa parti minn
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
- 1915
Pajjiż fornitur
- Austria
Isem il-kollezzjoni
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- 2019-08-29T11:47:07.318Z
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- 2023-08-15T14:07:52.670Z