Fotografija mill-Ajru
L-Ewropa mill-ajru: din il-gallerija turi ritratti tal-pajsaġġi Ewropej meħuda mill-għoli - ritratti mill-ajru mill-ajruplani li juru d-diversità tal-pajsaġġi mal-Ewropa kollha.
31 oġġetti
KLM Aerocarto nv
Eemland Archives
KLM Aerocarto nv
Eemland Archives
National Library of France
Models and Simulations for Architecture and Heritage
Rol agency. Photographic agency
National Library of France
Aggtelek National Park Directorate
Ghent University Library
Gooi and Vecht Historic
University of Bologna
Ghent University Library
Ghent University Library
Gooi and Vecht Historic