
Strijkijiet u protesti industrijali

Il-wirt industrijali mhuwiex biss l-istorja tad-ditti, iżda l-istejjer tal-ħaddiema u l-esperjenzi tagħhom. Din il-gallerija turi stampi minn madwar l-Ewropa ta' meta l-ħaddiema għamlu strajk u ġġieldu għad-drittijiet u l-libertajiet tagħhom. Immexxi mill-imsieħba tal-Kultura Komuni tal-Europeana

Balaton Museum - Keszthely

International Institute of Social History

Blekinge Museum

AB Conny Rich Foto

Jönköping County Museum

The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library

The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library

Lindgren, Pelle

Örebro County Museum

Lindberg Foto

Helsingborg Museum

Meerendonk, Ben van

International Institute of Social History

Agence de presse Meurisse. Agence photographique

National Library of France


Heritage Rijssen-Holten

Blekinge Museum

Blekinge Museum

Blekinge Museum

Blekinge Museum

Kessel, Dmitri Athens

Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive - Cultural Foundation of the National Bank Of Greece