60 riżultati fi ħdan Suġġett Arkivist
Persuna li tivvaluta, tiġbor, torganizza, tippreserva, tikkontrolla, u tagħti aċċess għal informazzjoni fl-arkivji
IJsvelt, Leo
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Fotopersbureau Gelderland
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Fotopersbureau Gelderland
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Fotopersbureau Gelderland
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Jansen, Willemien
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Dr. Kovács Pál County Library
Dr. Kovács Pál County Library
Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography
Institute of Historical Research
Museum of City History Leipzig
Cribier, Françoise
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. Library Cologne
Fotopersbureau Gelderland
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Kreft, Jola von
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Regional Archive Nijmegen
Unbekannter Fotograf (Herstellung) (Fotograf)
Deutsche Fotothek
Kitte, Rainer (Herstellung) (Fotograf)
Deutsche Fotothek