St. George and the Dragon. 1504-1506; oil painting on wood, by the Italian High Renaissance artist (Raphael),
George and the Dragon. 1504-1506; oil painting on wood, by the Italian High Renaissance artist (Raphael), Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520). St. George and the Dragon is a small cabinet painting in which the saint wears the blue garter of the English Order of the Garter, reflecting the award of this decoration in 1504 to Raphael's patron Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, by King Henr…
- United Archives / WHA
- St
- George and the Dragon
- oil painting on wood
- Italian
- Renaissance
- Italian art
- artist
- Raphael
- Raffaello Sanzio
- Urbino
- …
- Garter
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- Photography
- prints (visual works)
- prints (visual works)
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- World History Archive
- 02404985
- Archives / WHA/02404985
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- PAGODE - Europeana China
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- Germany
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- 2024-09-25T08:33:01.728Z
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