Ar patenta pieteikumu, ko 1903. gada beigās pirmo reizi iesniedza brāļi Lumjēri, autohroms bija trīskrāsu fotografēšanas process. Tas sastāv no krāsu mozaīkas uz stikla plāksnes, kas paredzēta skatīšanai, izmantojot rokas ierīces, vai projicēšanai, izmantojot oglekļa loka lampas.
22 digitālie objekti
Jäderström, John
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Jäderström, John
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Hertzberg, John
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Jäderström, John
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Jäderström, John
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Svedberg, The
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Svedberg, The
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Hertzberg, John
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Schött, E.D.
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology
Hertzberg, John
Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology