18 rezultāti sadaļā Organizācija Krajské muzeum Karlovarského kraje, Muzeum Karlovy Vary

18 atgriezti rezultāti

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Krajské muzeum Karlovarského kraje, Muzeum Karlovy Vary

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Fabianus Summerus (Fabian Summer)

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Johann Thaddäus Anton Peithner

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

[Christoph Gottlob Grundig]

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Gottlob Carl Springsfeld

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Johann Christian Tilling

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Johann Stephann Stroblberger; Johannes Wilcover

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Michael Raphael Schmuz (Schmutzen, Schmutzer)

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Balthasar Ludewig Tralles

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region

Fabian Summer; Matthias Summer; Johann Stephan Strobelberger

Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region