Streikai ir pramonės protestai
Pramonės paveldas – tai ne tik įmonių, bet ir darbuotojų bei jų patirties istorijos. Šioje galerijoje rodomi vaizdai iš visos Europos, kai darbuotojai pradėjo streiką ir kovojo už savo teises ir laisves. Kuruoja Europeana Common Culture partneriai
39 skaitmeninių objektų
Häger, Gustav and Emanuel
Jönköping County Museum
Pettersson, Johan August
Enköpings Museum
Balaton Museum - Keszthely
Trade Union Congress Library
Rol agency. Photographic agency
National Library of France
International Institute of Social History
Dan Gunner
Värmland Museum
Blekinge Museum
The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library
The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library
Szpak, Andrzej
Lower Silesian Digital Library
Meerendonk, Ben van
International Institute of Social History
Rol agency. Photographic agency
National Library of France
Agence de presse Meurisse. Agence photographique
National Library of France
Rol agency. Photographic agency
National Library of France
Pettersson, Johan August
Enköpings Museum
Blekinge Museum
Blekinge Museum
Blekinge Museum
Blekinge Museum
Jönköping County Museum
Kessel, Dmitri Athens
Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive - Cultural Foundation of the National Bank Of Greece
Arvidson, Tommy
Upplands Museum
Arvidson, Tommy
Upplands Museum
Engström, Lennart
Upplands Museum