Stained glass
Fragment of a stained glass window on display at the Museum of Architecture in WrocławThe most valuable collections are medieval stained glass windows from German workshops of unknown origin includes, among others stained glass windows from the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries and fragments of ornamental stained glass. The most valuable exhibit there is a Romanesque stained glass window with th…
- stained glass art
- artistic technique
Vrsta predmet
- vitraj
- arhitektonski element
- umjetničko djelo
- izložak
- Vitraj
- Umjetničko djelo
- stained glass art
- artistic technique
Vrsta predmet
- vitraj
- arhitektonski element
- umjetničko djelo
- izložak
- Vitraj
- Umjetničko djelo
Institucija iz koje dolazi
Uvjeti korištenja medija u ovom zapisu (osim ako nije drugačije navedeno)
- International Centre for Information Management Systems and Services (ICIMSS)
- 15414
- Pb_15414
- pl
- pol
Dio je
- Europeana Crafted
Država iz koje dolazi
- Poland
Naziv zbirke
Prvi put objavljeno na Europeana
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Zadnji put ažurirano od institucije koja pruža podatke
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