Pollution : patrimoine industriel
Notre patrimoine industriel commun a non seulement affecté nos économies et nos vies, mais aussi notre planète et nos paysages, souvent de manière négative. Cette galerie explore la pollution comme héritage de l'industrialisation à travers l'Europe.
34 items
Gooi and Vecht Historic
Gooi and Vecht Historic
Industridepartementet, Oljekontoret
The National Archives of Norway
Malmö Museum
Industridepartementet, Oljekontoret
The National Archives of Norway
Nottingham City Museums and Galleries
Polish National Film Archive
Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment (Republic of Cyprus), Department of Environment
Library of Cyprus University of Technology
Industridepartementet, Oljekontoret
The National Archives of Norway
Polish National Film Archive
Polish National Film Archive
Heydecker, Joe J.
Austrian National Library
Wakefield Council
Wakefield Council
B.K.S. Air Survey Ltd.
Wakefield Council