
Telephones through time

The telephone has become an essential tool of communication – from its invention in 1876 to the ever-connected mobile and conference calls we have today. This gallery tracks the development of telephones through time.

Electric Bureau

Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology

Bell Co

Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology

American Electric Telephone Co

Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology

Televerkets verkstad

Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology

L.M. Ericsson

Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology

K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien

Austrian National Library

K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien

Austrian National Library

Bauer Sándor, fényképész


Electric Bureau

Swedish National Museum of Science and Technology

K.u.k. Kriegspressequartier, Lichtbildstelle - Wien

Austrian National Library

Polish National Film Archive

Polish National Film Archive

Lindberg Foto

Helsingborg Museum