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The National Archives of Sweden

[Non-registered Provenance]

The National Archives of Sweden

[Non-registered Provenance]

The National Archives of Sweden

[Non-registered Provenance]

The National Archives of Sweden

[Non-registered Provenance]

The National Archives of Sweden

[Non-registered Provenance]

The National Archives of Sweden

Vilhelm van Bokholt

The National Archives of Sweden

Sweder Vürschutte

The National Archives of Sweden

Priorn Sven (in Nydala).

The National Archives of Sweden

Gisle Uddsson in Skörby and his wife Helena.

The National Archives of Sweden

The Knight Sten Bengtsson.

The National Archives of Sweden

King Magnus of Sweden.

The National Archives of Sweden

Sune Bengtsson, a parish priest in Hallingeberg

The National Archives of Sweden

King Valdemar of Sweden.

The National Archives of Sweden

The Knight Sten Bengtsson.

The National Archives of Sweden

King Albrekt.

The National Archives of Sweden

The Knight Sten Bengtsson.

The National Archives of Sweden

Riddaren Karl Ulfsson, lagman i Uppland och kung Albrekts domhavande.

The National Archives of Sweden

Ingemund (Botvidsson) i Torp, (häradshövding i Tuhundra härad).

The National Archives of Sweden

Ärkedjäknen Bengt i Linköping, Birger jarls son.

The National Archives of Sweden

Lydeke Stralendorp.

The National Archives of Sweden

Bishop Johannes (Westfal) of Turku

The National Archives of Sweden

Olof Magnusson.

The National Archives of Sweden

(The Archdiocese of Nils Hermansson) and the Cathedral Chapter in Lköpping.

The National Archives of Sweden