Anthology of several authors (Latin)
Anthologia latina
Decretum Gratiani
De ornamentis verborum
De differentiis
Disticha de synonymis
De lapidibus
Opus prosodiacum
De diversis differentiis
De monachis et eorum indumentis
decorated initials
- Gosbertus, of Laon
- Mico Centulensis, (9e E)
- Aviano
- Gratian
- Gregorio I.a
- Hildebert
- Homero
- Horazio
- John of Hauville
- Juvenal
- Marbodius of Rennes
- Maximianus
- Navarius, Adam
- Navarius, Lucas
- Watevilla, Silvester de
- artes (MMDC)
- bible (MMDC)
- classical literature/philosophy (MMDC)
- historiography (MMDC)
- law and regulations (MMDC)
- literature (MMDC)
- medieval theology/philosophy (MMDC)
- …
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture (monastic)
- Reading culture
Elementu mota
- manuscripts (documents)
- Eskuizkribu
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergamino
- Gosbertus, of Laon
- Mico Centulensis, (9e E)
- Aviano
- Gratian
- Gregorio I.a
- Hildebert
- Homero
- Horazio
- John of Hauville
- Juvenal
- Marbodius of Rennes
- Maximianus
- Navarius, Adam
- Navarius, Lucas
- Watevilla, Silvester de
- artes (MMDC)
- bible (MMDC)
- classical literature/philosophy (MMDC)
- historiography (MMDC)
- law and regulations (MMDC)
- literature (MMDC)
- medieval theology/philosophy (MMDC)
- …
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Reading culture
- Reading culture (monastic)
- Reading culture
Elementu mota
- manuscripts (documents)
- Eskuizkribu
- parchment (animal material)
- Pergamino
Erakunde hornitzailea
Bitarteko hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
Sortze data
- [first half 13th century]
- 1200-1250
- XIII. mendea
- 1200/1250
- XIII. mendea
- France
- France
- Frantzia
Egungo kokapena
- Leiden University Library
- Acquired as part of the Vulcanius collection in or shortly after 1614. Mentioned in the 'Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum e bibliotheca B. Vulcanii', drawn up by Simon Episcopius and Daniel Heinsius d.d. 8 May 1615 (edited by Molhuysen (1910), p. IV-VIII).
- Donated to the Celestins of St. Mary in Paris by frater Guillermus Finet, according to a note on f. 223r.
- Finet, Guillermus, friar
- Vulcanius, Bonaventura, (1538-1614)
- Celestines of St. Mary, Paris
- Shelfmark: VUL 48
- 1 volume, 231 leaves
- 290x205 mm
- books
- Liburu
- lat
- Latin
- lat
Honen parte da
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Vulcanius, B. (1538-1614)
erreferentzia egin da
- Becker 1972 = F.G. Becker (ed.), Prolegomena zum Pamphilus (de amore) und kritische Textausgabe. Ratingen [etc.] 1972.
- Boeren 1961 = P.C. Boeren, 'Maître Gobert, poète belge'. In: Archivum latinitatis Medii Aevi 31 (1961), p. 129-140 (ad: f. 254-272)
- Buescu 1973 = V. Buescu, Problèmes de critique et d'histoire textuelle. Hildesheim [etc.] 1973.
- Catalogus compendiarius 1932 = [H.P. Blok,] Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur. Vol. 1 (Leiden 1932), p. 58
- Colker 1978 = M.L. Colker (ed.), Galteri de Castellione Alexandreis. Patavii 1978, p. xxxvii
- De Groot & 1989 = A.J. De Groot & E.C.C. Coppens, Manuscripta canonistica Latina. Elenchus codicum necnon diplomatum iuris canonici ante a. 1600 in bibliothecis ac archivis neerlandicis. Nijmegen 1989, nr.876
- Dewitte 1983 = A. Dewitte, 'B. Vulcanius Brugensis: hoogleraarambt, correspondenten, edita'. In: Sacris erudiri. Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen 26 (1983), p. 311-362.
- Gumbert 1999 = J.P. Gumbert, 'One book with many texts: the Latin tradition'. In: Archives et bibliothèques de Belgique 60 (1999), p. 27-63.
- MMDC = Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
- Molhuysen 1910 = P.C. Molhuysen, Codices Vulcaniani, Leiden 1910, p. 18-21
- …
ezagutu du
- Bonaventura Vulcanius
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Netherlands
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2022-02-02T16:01:23.761Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2024-02-29T09:55:44.806Z
Edukien taula
- Contains: (f. 1v) Epitaph of Silvester de Watevilla. – (f. 1v) Epitaph of the brothers Lucas and Adam Navarius. – (ff. 1r-8v) Commentary on Peter Lombard's Sententiae. – (ff. 9r-24r) Annotations on Decretum Gratiani. – (ff. 24r-25r) De ornamentis verborum / Marbod of Rennes. – (ff. 25r-25v) Verse "De differentiis" / Serlo of Wilton. – (ff. 25v-27v) Disticha de synonymis / Gosbertus of Laon. – (ff. 27v-30r) De lapidibus (I-LX) / Marbod of Rennes. – (f. 30r) Poem on the crucifixion of Christ. – (ff. 30r-30v) De lapidibus (LXI) / Marbod of Rennes. – (ff. 31r-31v) Medical prescriptions. – (ff. 31r-32r) Opus prosodiacum / Mico of St. Riquier. – (ff. 32v-42r) Proverbs derived from classical and early medieval poets. – (ff. 42r-42v) Verse "De diversis differentiis". – (ff. 42v-43r) Verse "De monachis et eorum indumentis". – (ff. 43r-60r) Biblical lexicon (greek-latin and hebrew-latin). – (ff. 60r-85v) Encyclopedia on the bible. – (85v-114r) 38 sermons. – (ff. 114r-156v) Theological texts, among which sermons. – (ff. 157r-185v) Theological treatise "Distinctio nominum que de Deo dicuntur in novem genera". – (f. 186r) Proverbia Senece / Publilius Syrus. – (f. 186v) Poem. – (ff. 187r-190r) De mysterio missae / Hildebert of Lavardin. – (ff. 190v-194v) Historia biblica versificata. – (ff. 195r-212v) De tropis / William de Montibus. – (ff. 212v-216r) De conflictu vitiorum atque virtutum (chs. 1-26) / Gregory the Great. – (f. 216r) Metamorphoses (II, 760-805) / Ovid. – (ff. 216v, 227r) Unidentified theological texts. – (f. 217-223r) Architrenius / Jean de Hauteville. – (f. 226v) Index.