Polish food in Irish supermarket
These pictures show Polish food on sale in an Irish supermarket. This supermarket is located in the centre of Dublin.
Many people from Poland and other Eastern European countries started moving to Ireland in 2004 when their countries became members of the European Union. Specific shops and bars catering to these communities slowly started appearing in Irish cities and towns. Some mainstream supe…
- acediscovery
- 2000s
- Emigration from Poland
- Dublin
- Immigration to Ireland
- Supermarkets
- Polish diapora
- …
- Migración humana
- Irlanda
- Food
- Poland
- acediscovery
- 2000s
- Emigration from Poland
- Dublin
- Immigration to Ireland
- Supermarkets
- Polish diapora
- …
- Migración humana
- Irlanda
- Food
- Poland
Proveedor de datos
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- http://contribute.europeana.eu/contributions/1ae2e2d0-292e-0137-b50b-6eee0af51d09
- en
- eng
País proveedor
- Europe
Nombre de la colección
Publicado por primera vez en Europeana
- 2019-07-25T07:45:34.853Z
Última actualización por parte del Proveedor de datos
- 2021-11-03T11:22:04.772Z