326 resultados dentro de Tema Salto con pértiga

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Salto con pértiga

Prueba de atletismo

Polygoon-Profilti (producent); Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid (beheerder)

Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision

Veria Central Public Library

Heinonen, Helge

Finnish Heritage Agency

Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision

Cinecittà - Luce


Girona City Council


Girona City Council


Girona City Council


Girona City Council


Girona City Council


Girona City Council


Girona City Council

Godet, Henri (1855-1928). Author of the text

National Library of France

Charencey, Hyacinth of (1832-1916). Author of the text

National Library of France

National Library of France

Charles VIII (1470-1498 ; roi de France). Auteur de lettres

National Library of France

La Mare, Nicolas de (1639-1723). Producer of a fund

National Library of France

Count Károly Esterházy Mansion and County Museum - Pápa