Europeana collects metadata relating to digital objects held by galleries, libraries, archives and museums across Europe (the ‘Europeana data providers’).
The descriptive metadata provided by these institutions are provided to Europeana under terms that allow Europeana to aggregate it, to enrich it and to publish resulting metadata under the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. If you re-use metadata published by Europeana, we encourage you to follow the Europeana Usage Guidelines for Metadata and to provide attribution to the data sources including, where possible, links to the digital objects on the original data providers' websites.
In order to enrich the object-related metadata supplied by our data providers, Europeana uses a number of other sources - sometimes by using vocabularies that providers themselves refer to. If you want to know more about what Europeana does with the metadata and how it is enriched, you can read more about it on this page.
Europeana wishes to express thanks to the owners and contributors of these resources that enable us to improve the quality of our metadata. Please find in this spreadsheet the list of vocabularies and respective licenses.