
Stormy weather

Explore this gallery of paintings and photographs of stormy skies and tempestous weather. Curated by [Europeana Common Culture partners](

Nottingham City Museums and Galleries

Nežinomas fotografas

Lithuanian Sea Museum


Photographic Archive of the Civic Museums of Turin

J.R. Rowland, Jersey

Jersey Heritage

Lam Oi

Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities

Mickelsson, Hilding

Hälsinglands Museum

Mulier st., Pieter

Slovak national gallery

Dark, Balthasar Anton; Eichler, Gottfried

Austrian National Library

Sans Prats, Narcís

Girona City Council

National Library of Latvia

Albe, Gerhard

National Maritime Museum

Monlion and Torres, Raphael, 1843-1900

National Library of Spain

Vollbehr, Ernst

Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography