216 results within Topic Wattle

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Lightweight construction material made by weaving thin branches or slats between upright stakes to form a woven lattice

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Diericx, Volcxken (Wwe. des Hieronymus Cock) (-1600) (Verleger)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

Otmar, Valentin (Drucker)

Herzog August Library

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