Composite manuscript, three parts (Latin, German, Dutch): 1. (ff. 1-18) Latin glossary with explanations in German and Dutch. – 2. (ff. 19-107) Epitome of Sextus Pompeius Festus' De significatione verborum / Paul the Deacon. – And other part(s)
Glossarium latinum
Excerpta ex Pompeio Festo
Glossarium biblicum
Epitoma Festi
De significatione verborum
Part 1: pen-flourished initials
- Paulus Diaconus
- Sextus Pompeius Festus
- Paulus Diaconus
- Sextus Pompeius Festus
- artes (MMDC)
- bible (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Lesekultur
- Lesekultur
Art des Objekts
- Manuskript (Dokumentengattung)
- Manuskript
- Part 1: Parchment
- Part 2: Parchment
- Part 3: Parchment
- Pergament
- Pergament
- Paulus Diaconus
- Sextus Pompeius Festus
- Paulus Diaconus
- Sextus Pompeius Festus
- artes (MMDC)
- bible (MMDC)
- Middle Ages
- Reading culture (medieval)
- Lesekultur
- Lesekultur
Art des Objekts
- Manuskript (Dokumentengattung)
- Manuskript
- Part 1: Parchment
- Part 2: Parchment
- Part 3: Parchment
- Pergament
- Pergament
Rechtehinweise der Medien in diesem Datensatz (sofern nicht anders angegeben)
- Part 1: [second half 13th century]
- Part 2: [13th century]
- Part 3: [13th century]
- 1200-1300
- 13. Jahrhundert
- 1200/1300
- 13. Jahrhundert
- Part 1: Southern Netherlands?
- Part 2: Southern Netherlands?
- Part 3: Southern Netherlands?
- Belgien
- Belgien
- Vereinte Nationen
Aktueller Standort
- Leiden University Library
- Bought from the library of F. Nansius? First mentioned in the Leiden catalogue of 1612 (Heinsius 1612), p.
- Nansius, Franciscus, (1525-1595)
- Shelfmark: BPL 191
- 1 volume, 128 leaves
- Part 1: ff. 1-18
- Part 2: ff. 19-107
- Part 3: ff. 108-128
- Part 1: 170x131 mm
- Part 2: 174x132 mm
- Part 3: 174x130 mm
- Buch
- Buch
- lat
- Latin
- dut
- Dutch
- ger
- German
- deu
- nld
- lat
Ist ein Teil von
- Art of Reading in the Middle Ages: previously digitised item
- In collection: Bibliotheca Publica Latina
Wird referenziert von
- Bartelink 1973 = G.J.M. Bartelink, 'Quelques gloses remontantes à la version Evagrienne de la Vita Antonii par Athanase'. In: Mnemosyne 26 (1973), p. 265-272.
- Bergmann & 2005 = R. Bergmann & S. Stricker (eds.), Katalog der althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossenhandschriften. Vol. 2 (Berlin/New York 2005), nr. 375 a
- Brown 1972 = A.K. Brown, 'Heifer'. In: Neophilologus 56 (1972), p. 79-85 (ad: f. 109v)
- Catalogus compendiarius 1932 = [H.P. Blok,] Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur. Vol. 1 (Leiden 1932), p. 114
- Gumbert 2009 = J.P. Gumbert, Illustrated Inventory of Medieval Manuscripts. Vol. 2. Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek BPL (Hilversum 2009), nr. 1360-1362
- Hamesse 1996 = J. Hamesse, Les manuscrits des lexiques et glossaires de l'antiquité tardive à la fin du moyen age. Louvain-la-Neuve 1996.
- Heinsius 1612 = [D. Heinsius], Catalogus librorum bibliothecae lugdunensis. / Præfixa est Danielis Heinsii bibliothecarii ad nobiliß. & ampliß. Academiae curatores oratio, [Leiden 1612]
- Hulshoff Pol 1976 = E. Hulshoff Pol, 'Franciscus Nansius und seine Handschriften'. In: J.P. Gumbert & al. (eds.), Essays presented to G.I. Lieftinck. Vol. 4. (Amsterdam 1976), p. 79-102, i.c. p. 96
- MMDC = Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
- Molhuysen 1912 = P.C. Molhuysen, Codices Bibliothecae Publicae Latini. Leiden 1912, p. 92-93
- …
Hat getroffen
- Franciscus Nansius
Bereitstellendes Land
- Netherlands
Name der Sammlung
Erstmals auf Europeana veröffentlicht
- 2022-02-02T16:01:23.761Z
Zuletzt aktualisiert vom Datenpartner
- 2024-02-29T09:55:44.806Z
- Part 1 contains: (ff. 1r-18r) Latin glossary with explanations in German and Dutch.
- Part 2 contains: (ff. 19r-107r) Epitome of Sextus Pompeius Festus' De significatione verborum / Paul the Deacon. Two folia missing between ff. 81 and 82.
- Part 3 contains: (ff. 108r-128r) Biblical glossary.