Invasive Species: Raccoon Dog
Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray, 1834, also called raccoon dog, originally comes from Asian and Russian regions and found its way to Europe through Eastern European fur production sites. Fleeing from captivity it managed to establish itself in many European countries. The dissemination of the raccon dog is connected to climate conditions, meaning that a warmer climate would pave its way to northern territories.
22 Objekte
The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London
Drygala, Frank
German National Library
Pielowski, Z.
Digital Repository Research Institutes
Helle, E.
Digital Repository Research Institutes
Kauhala, K.
Digital Repository Research Institutes
/direct/2002819; /direct/2002809; /direct/2002813; …
National Library of Serbia
German National Library
MAK – Museum of Applied Arts
Vienna Museum
Lindroos, Hannu
Finnish Heritage Agency
/direct/2249242; /direct/2249249
National Library of Serbia
Harri, M.; Korhonen, H.
Digital Repository Research Institutes
Kardynia, Paweł; Osten-Sacken, Natalia; Zgrabczyńska, Ewa; …
Digital Repository Research Institutes
Moks, Epp
University of Tartu