267 Ergebnisse innerhalb von Person Gregor der Große

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Gregor der Große

Papst 590-604, vierter Kirchenvater der Spätantike

Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage

Leipzig University Library

Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage


The Hunt Museum

Grzegorz I (Pope; around 540-604)

Library of the Wroclaw University

Pseudo-Anselmus Cantuariensis; Grzegorz I (Pope; around 540-604)

Library of the Wroclaw University

Grzegorz I (Pope; around 540-604); Pseudo-Bernardus Claraevallensis; Hildebert (Archbishop of Tours; 1056? -1133); …

Library of the Wroclaw University

Gregor I., Papst

Baden State Library

University Library Freiburg

University Library Freiburg

Hildebertus Cenomanensis; Rufinus Aquileiensis

National Library of the Czech Republic

Johannes Wyclif; Johannes Hus; Eucherius (Pseudo-Augustinus); …

National Library of the Czech Republic