
Summer holidays in the past

Summer in Europe is a time of sunshine, relaxation and holidays. These vintage photographs are a snapshot, showing how we have spent our summer days in the past. Gallery curated by Larissa Borck, Swedish National Heritage Board

Brånvall, Birgit (Photographer)

Nordic Museum Foundation

Agence de presse Meurisse. Agence photographique

National Library of France

Agence de presse Meurisse. Agence photographique

National Library of France

AZ:s arkiv

Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design

Sans Prats, Narcís

Girona City Council

Lundh, Gunnar (Photographer)

Nordic Museum Foundation

Lundh, Gunnar (1898-1960)

Malmö Museum



Bohuslän Museum

Hugo d'Alési, F. (1849-1906). Illustrateur; Ateliers Hugo d'Alési. Auteur ou responsable intellectuel

National Library of France

Rol agency. Photographic agency

National Library of France

Agence de presse Meurisse. Agence photographique

National Library of France

Sans Prats, Narcís

Girona City Council

Spak, Ivar (1918-1997)

Malmö Museum


Upplands Museum