18 resultater inden for Organisation Krajské muzeum Karlovarského kraje, Muzeum Karlovy Vary
Krajské muzeum Karlovarského kraje, Muzeum Karlovy Vary
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
WebstedFabianus Summerus (Fabian Summer)
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Michael Reudenius
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Johann Thaddäus Anton Peithner
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
[Christoph Gottlob Grundig]
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Gottlob Carl Springsfeld
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Gallus Etschenreutter
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Johann Stephann Stroblberger; Johannes Wilcover
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Franz Uibelaker
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Michael Raphael Schmuz (Schmutzen, Schmutzer)
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Fabian Sommer (Summer)
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Friedrich Hoffmann
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Balthasar Ludewig Tralles
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region
Fabian Summer; Matthias Summer; Johann Stephan Strobelberger
Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region