Bohužel, položku médií, jak byla poskytnuta Europeana, nelze v tuto chvíli zobrazit. Zkuste prosím stáhnout média nebo si položku prohlédnout na webových stránkách poskytující instituce.
Micia 2
Vicus building with attached yard c. 250m W of fort, showing as cropmark. View from N
Tuto položku poskytuje a spravuje The Discovery programme
Zobrazit na webu poskytující instituce
(otevře se v novém okně)
- Dr. Ioana Oltean, University of Exeter
- Professor Bill Hanson, University of Glasgow
- The Discovery Programme
- aerial photography
- archaeological sites
- Fotografie ze vzduchu
- Archeologická lokalita
Typ položka
- Still Image
- Still Image
- Dr. Ioana Oltean, University of Exeter
- Professor Bill Hanson, University of Glasgow
- The Discovery Programme
- aerial photography
- archaeological sites
- Fotografie ze vzduchu
- Archeologická lokalita
Typ položka
- Still Image
- Still Image
Poskytovatelská instituce
Zprostředkovatel třetí strany
Výrok o právech tohoto položka (není-li uvedeno jinak)
Datum vzniku
- June 2002
- 2002-06
- Vețel, Hunedoara
- This project seeks to improve knowledge of the history and development of the landscape of the western lowlands of Romania by the application of archaeological aerial reconnaissance. Though new to this area, this survey technique is well established as the single most important method of finding new archaeological sites in lowland arable areas in large parts of western Europe. The project has focused on the transitional period from Iron Age state to Roman province in the area of south-western Transylvania. However, since aerial reconnaissance is a multi-period survey methodology, the project set out also to record all archaeological sites which were visible from the air regardless of their period.
- Archaeological Aerial Archive of Romania
- 0260234
- 412
- jpg
je součástí
- Aerial Photography of the Later Prehistoric and Roman Landscape of Western Transylvania, Romania
odkazuje na
Země původu
- Ireland
Název kolekce
Poprvé zveřejněno na Europeana
- 2024-03-28T12:42:14.058Z
Poslední aktualizace od poskytující instituce
- 2024-03-28T12:42:14.058Z
Objevte související sbírky
Objevte související položky
Dr. Ioana Oltean, University of Exeter; Professor Bill Hanson, University of Glasgow
The Discovery programme
Dr. Ioana Oltean, University of Exeter; Professor Bill Hanson, University of Glasgow
The Discovery programme
Dr. Ioana Oltean, University of Exeter; Professor Bill Hanson, University of Glasgow
The Discovery programme
Dr. Ioana Oltean, University of Exeter; Professor Bill Hanson, University of Glasgow
The Discovery programme