361 výsledků v rámci Místo Douai
Obec v departementu Nord ve Francii
Theodorus a Ghemert
National Library of the Netherlands
National Library of France
National Library of France
National Library of France
Matthaeus Galenus; Rudolf Gwalther; Afthonios
National Library of the Czech Republic
Jacobus de Vitriaco; François Moschus
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic
Jean Molanus
National Library of the Czech Republic
Matthieu Pinault des Jaunaux
National Library of the Czech Republic
Jean de La Haye
National Library of the Czech Republic
Prosper Aquitanus svatý,
National Library of the Czech Republic
Jacques Platel
National Library of the Czech Republic
Juan de Polanco
National Library of the Czech Republic
Peter Binsfeld
National Library of the Czech Republic
Nicolas de Montmorency
National Library of the Czech Republic
Philippe Bosquier
National Library of the Czech Republic
François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon
National Library of the Czech Republic
Jean Bourgeois
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic
Antoine de Balinghem
National Library of the Czech Republic
Matthias van Bossem
National Library of the Czech Republic
M. de L. et H.P.; Martin Eisengrein
National Library of the Czech Republic
Manuel Rodrigues
National Library of the Czech Republic