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Gaming Lace. Play, teach, value: resilient crafts in Bruges.
Can lace-making become a game to teach the value of heritage? Bruges’ long and illustrious tradition of lace-making becomes the key to show kids how to embed craft in their future - and therefore the future of the world
In the video, produced by EFHA - European Fashion Heritage Association in collaboration with MoMu – Fashion Museum Antwerp, Rudy De Nolf, manager of the Lace Centre & Museum (Ka…
- Giorgio Bosisio
- Anna Carniel
- Marta Franceschini
- Momu - Fashion Museum Antwerp
- Dieter Suls
- European Fashion Heritage Association
- Giorgio Bosisio
- Anna Carniel
- Marta Franceschini
- Momu - Fashion Museum Antwerp
- Dieter Suls
- European Fashion Heritage Association
доставчик на данни
Права за ползване на медиите в този обект (освен ако не е посочено друго)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Дата на създаване
- 2022
Предоставяне на държава
- Italy
Име на колекцията
Публикуван за първи път в Europeana
- 2023-04-26T12:56:38.667Z
Последно актуализиран от предоставящата институция
- 2023-04-26T12:56:38.667Z